Happy New Year!
Good bye to 2014! Hello 2015! This is the last chance that I’ll get to write on the first day of the new year of 2015, so I’ve decided to go for it. This post might be a little disjointed or stream-of-conciousness-y, but I’m just going to write it anyhow because if I spend too long dwelling on what to write, I won’t write at all! And there’s the story of my writing life in a nutshell.
A couple of weeks back I decided that maybe I would do something different on New Year’s Day — something memorable and significant — at least for me. 2014 was not the best of years, although I did manage to work in a few wonderful moments. Two aunts and one of my uncles passed away — a whole generation of my family gone — except for my father who is still as feisty as ever at age eighty-eight.
Of course there was the whole breast cancer experience — four surgeries and ongoing chemotherapy. That wasn’t much fun. However, I was blessed with family, friends, and co-workers who showed amazing love and grace by bringing me meals, and cards, and presents, and simply being there when I needed them. I got to go to New York for the first time and absolutely loved the city. And I took a road trip across the United States — 3300 miles in ten days — with my sister, Kris. We were able to see our aunt one last time and to reconnect with our cousins in the East. I had the best of intentions to write daily posts about the trip, but between driving all day, seeing amazing sights, flopping into bed at night, and lousy internet connections, I never really managed it.
I made a short but fabulous trip to San Diego to visit with some of my oldest and dearest friends from my college days and to just relax with my husband, sister, and brother-in-law.
So weighing everything . . .the highs and the lows, the goods and the bads . . . I was really so lucky in so many ways in 2014. And I’m hopeful that 2015 will be even better, so I wanted to bring it in with a bang.
I had been able to keep running between surgeries, but the chemo knocked me down hard, and even though I managed to keep walking almost every other day, it wasn’t until September 21st that I was able to start running again. Since then, I have slowly built up my distance to where I’m up running between 4 and 4 1/2 miles every other day. I set a goal to run the Bay to Breakers in San Francisco in May. And in keeping with my decision to try and do something memorable for the first day of the new year, I decided to try a 10k race today. I figured that if I could run 4 1/2 miles, I could surely run 6.2. So yesterday I registered online for the run a mere forty-five minutes before the deadline.

Lucky #515

Just Before the Start of the Race
This morning Michael and I drove to the lovely town of Yountville, and I ran the Napa Valley Resolution Run. Ten kilometers in the crisp morning air through rolling vineyards, charming homes, and historical buildings. I had two goals: #1 – to not come in last, and #2 – to run the entire way without walking. But I wasn’t going to get mad at myself if I failed at either of those two things. Fortunately I didn’t. I think I came in 67th for the women and there were still a few coming in behind me.

Nearing the Finish
It was so much fun! At mile three I was shocked that I hadn’t gone farther. At mile five I was shocked that I had gotten so far, and by the home stretch I actually forced my leaden legs to pick up the pace just a little bit.

A Triumphant Finish
Michael was there to greet me and take my picture at the finish line. Afterwards we drove to St. Helena and had brunch and then made the wonderful drive home again.

Team Hatzigeorgiou
So I did THAT! I haven’t made any new resolutions except to make the most of each day the best that I can, and to appreciate every moment I get to spend doing the things I love and being with the people I love. I made the first day of this new year one I will remember, and I got a lovely commemorative pint glass as a bonus. I have a feeling 2015 is going to be a very good year!!