I have been wanting to get on the “blog bandwagon” for some time now, but there always seems to be something else to do. The past few times when I came here for a visit I couldn’t figure out how to post anything. Turns out, since I was using Safari with my mac, all of the editing features were disabled. No wonder I couldnt’ tell what the heck was going on! Ah . . . we long suffering mac addicts sure have it rough some times. Finally I discovered that I could access everything I needed just by using Firefox for my browser. Problem solved. So here I am, ready to join the fray.
Now I’ve never been very good at the whole journal-type thing; I have several nice blank books all over the place, consisting of one or ten entries, and then blank pages for days. So the odds of me keeping this thing going for an extended length of time are against me. Still, it’s worth a try. What have I got to lose but a little bandwidth?
Hey, I’m so glad I came across your blog. You have tons of great information here, I’ll be sure to come back and keep on reading, keep up the good work!
HI im doin an art project on you!
Hello,Karen i’m Hannah and i’m currently studying art design in england-surrey at 6th from and i am about to begin a project on butterflys and moths. I am particulary
fascinated with your collage designs. may i ask what enspires you and where your ideas come from? and are you allocated in surrey/england? thank you, from Hannah Tranter
I love your drawings