10 thoughts on “Just When You Thought . . .

  1. Wow I just came across your website and blog… and I have to say they are amazing. I love your work and the public domain images you are sharing are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing your work and for giving us inspiration. I haven’t done much in the way of altering but I am fascinated by it.
    I hope you don’t mind but I have placed a link to your website and your blog… on my blog. I will remove it if you object but I hope you won’t. Kind regards. Chris

  2. I have never seen anything like your work. You have an amazing gift. I love the way you bring books to life. I enjoyed your tips and images. I may have just found a new hobby, thanks to you. I would love to learn more so, I look forward to visiting your site more often.

  3. My son & I were cruising the net looking for clipart for his medieval roman project when we stumbled upon your work. First of all, thanks for the clipart! Secondly, thanks for “just when you thought…”–now I have to forward this link to my sister!

  4. LOVE your site, clipart, blog, links, altered books. THANKYOU for brightening my day bigtime. I was on your site having searched for angel wings clip art as I’m designing a ‘pool heaven’ logo for a local community project designed to give teenagers a pool hall they can play where there is no smoking/alcohol/heavy adult vibe. Can I sign up for your blog or do I have to log on fresh to the website as and when ? I’m hooked ! Deena, textile artist and writer, Wiltshire, UK

  5. I really love your website. Your work is beautiful. I am very interested in the Book Altering – I saw some in Lake Arrowhead, CA. They were open books with flowers and other appropriate decorations added – it would be challenging but fun to make one.
    I will be back to visit often,

  6. i liked this, if you lke things like this, go to worth1000.com its great and free, ps i love ur altered books, i had to look at some artists for the college class and i ran across your web sight, i mostly liked the ones with nature incorperated, ur books where very isperational, where did you get all your materials? and is your atr displayed anywhere, im stuck up in northen vermont, which has a major lack of musums so if you could suggest sme that would be fantatsic
    thanks so much

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