Wow! How fast time passes. I didn’t realize that I had let so much time slip away since my last post. I’ve been busily updating my web site; I haven’t even had time to do any art. Egads!
One of the pages I recently updated was a description of the techniques I used for one of my first altered books. In Making Altered Books :: Art in a Child’s Hand I talk about this board book I made for ISABA [International Society of Altered Book Artists] for a display they were doing.
One of my favorite things about this book is the quote by Picasso. It says “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Isnt’ that lovely? The back of this little book isn’t even finished, but that’s on my to-do list for this summer. I want to finish the cover and add it to my Altered Books for Sale page. I have too many books and too little space. Some of these have to move on to loving homes so I have room for the new work. Now if I could just get around to creating all that “new work”. . .
I just found your site – very nice… off to explore more!